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Intel N100 Super Tiny Mini PC with 16GB DDR5 and SSD

正常价格 $459.95 USD
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Our new Intel N100 Tiny Mini PC is the perfect blend of size, performance, and energy efficiency. Comes with a 16GB DDR5 RAM on board and a fast m.2 SSD. It’s small enough to fit anywhere but powerful enough to handle all your daily computing needs. With its fast processor, minimal power consumption, extensive connectivity options, and expandable storage, it’s a versatile and eco-friendly solution for both work, media streaming, office and more. 

Compact and Powerful

The Intel N100 Tiny Cube Mini PC is a compact powerhouse designed for those who need a reliable and efficient computer without taking up much space. Despite its tiny dimensions of just 142 x 61 x 21mm, this mini PC packs a punch, offering impressive performance for a wide range of tasks.

Intel N100 Super Tiny Mini PC with 16GB DDR5 and SSD

Speed and Processing Power

At the heart of the Intel N100 is a processor with a speed of up to 3.40 GHz, featuring 4 cores and 4 threads. This ensures that the mini PC can handle multitasking and demanding applications smoothly, providing the performance you need for both work and entertainment.

Energy Efficient Design

One of the standout features of the Intel N100 is its energy efficiency. With a Thermal Design Power (TDP) of only 6W, this mini PC is designed to consume minimal power while still delivering excellent performance. This makes it an environmentally friendly choice that also helps reduce your electricity bills.

Memory and Storage

Equipped with 16GB of DDR5 RAM, the Intel N100 ensures smooth and fast multitasking, allowing you to switch between applications with ease. It also comes with the option to expand storage up to 2TB using an m.2 SSD, providing ample space for all your files, programs, and media.

Intel N100 Super Tiny Mini PC with 16GB DDR5 and SSD

Connectivity Options

This mini PC is designed to keep you connected. It features 2 HDMI ports, making it easy to connect to dual monitors for an extended workspace or immersive media experience. Additionally, it includes 1 LAN port for a stable internet connection, 3 USB 3.2 ports for fast data transfer, and 1 Type-C USB port for the latest devices.

Versatile Usage

Whether you're streaming your favorite shows, working on office projects, or browsing the web, the Intel N100 Tiny Cube Mini PC is up to the task. Its small size makes it ideal for tight spaces, yet it doesn’t compromise on performance, making it perfect for media streaming, office work, and everyday computing.


Type: Mini PC
Processor Model: Intel N100 6MB Cache, 3.40 GHz.
Processor Main Frequency: 3.4GHz Max, 4 Cores 4 Threads.
Graphics Card Type: Integrated Card
Graphics Model: Intel UHD Graphics
Hard Drive Capacity: Choose above (Up to 2TB SSD)
Memory Capacity: 16GB LPDDR5 4800 MHz on board memory (NOT upgradeable)
Use: Media streaming, office, class and more.
Operating System: Win 10, Win 11.
Cooling System: Fan cooling system. 
Wireless: Built-in WIFI 6 Module and Bluetooth 5.2
Ports: 2x HDMI, 3x USB 3.2, 1x LAN 1Gbps, 1x Type-C, 1x 3.5mm Audio jack, TF card reader. 
Dimensions: 142 x 61 x 21mm
Net Weight: 151g
Case Material: Aluminium alloy and ABS (plastic)
Color: Black


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