컬렉션: Intel Mini PCs | Free Shipping to Japan
Check out our Intel Mini PCs collection, choose from a wide variety of Intel processors such as the Core i3, Core i5, Core i7 and i9 models with up to 64GB RAM and SSD. We have Mini PCs for gaming, Industrial use, office and more. Free Express Shipping to Japan with a delivery time of 5-9 business days.
인텔 i7 4500U 팬리스 미니 PC(HDMI 2개 포함)
공급업체:MiniPCaffe정가 $449.92 USD에서정가단가 / 단위 -
인텔 코어 i5 4200U 1.60GHz 미니 PC
공급업체:MiniPCaffe정가 $499.95 USD에서정가단가 / 단위
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